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Pros and Cons of Loan Based on Mutual Funds 


Are you looking for a quick financial solution but don’t want to sell your investments? Well, how about leveraging your mutual funds to secure an instant loan? Yes, you read that right – in these times when people focus on convenience, the concept of getting a loan against mutual funds has gained traction. But before you get into the process, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. From having immediate liquidity without disrupting your investments to potentially risking market volatility affecting your portfolio – let’s learn the intricacies of instant loans against mutual funds and discover if it is truly the effective financial tool that it seems to be. 

Pros of Instant Loans Against Mutual Funds 

1. Immediate Access to Funds: Loans against mutual funds provide borrowers with quick access to liquidity, enabling them to address urgent financial needs promptly. With FinEzzy’s streamlined application process, borrowers can apply for and receive loans within minutes, eliminating the delays associated with traditional lending methods. 

2. Retention of Investment Portfolio: By opting for loans against mutual funds, borrowers retain ownership of their investment portfolio while unlocking the value of their assets. This strategic approach allows borrowers to benefit from potential capital appreciation and dividends, ensuring that their long-term investment objectives remain unaffected. 

3. Competitive Interest Rates: Instant loans against mutual funds usually offer competitive interest rates, making them a cost-effective borrowing option compared to traditional unsecured loans or credit cards. With FinEzzy’s transparent fee structure and flexible repayment terms, borrowers can access funds at favorable terms without incurring excessive interest charges. 

4. Tax Efficiency: Availing loans against mutual funds does not trigger any tax implications, unlike selling mutual fund investments, which may cost capital gains tax. This tax efficiency makes loans against mutual funds an attractive option for individuals seeking to access funds without additional tax liabilities. 

5. Flexibility in Loan Utilization: Instant loans against mutual funds offer borrowers the flexibility to utilize the funds for various financial needs, ranging from debt consolidation and home renovations to education expenses and emergency medical bills. Unlike traditional loans that may impose restrictions on the use of funds, borrowers can use loans against mutual funds based on their unique requirements and priorities. 

6. No Impact on Credit Score: Since loans against mutual funds are secured by the borrower’s mutual fund holdings, the loan application process does not involve a credit check or assessment of the borrower’s creditworthiness. As a result, individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores or limited credit history can still qualify for loans, providing them with a viable financing option during times of need. 

7. Minimal Documentation Requirements: Loans against mutual funds typically have minimal documentation requirements, simplifying the application process and expediting loan approval. Borrowers are not required to submit extensive financial documents or undergo lengthy verification procedures, saving time and effort in securing financing. With FinEzzy’s user-friendly interface and digital platform, borrowers can complete the loan application process conveniently from the comfort of their homes. 

8. Hassle-Free Repayment Process: Loans against mutual funds offer borrowers a hassle-free repayment process, with flexible repayment options customized to their financial preferences and capabilities. Whether opting for EMIs or lump-sum payments, borrowers can choose a repayment schedule that aligns with their cash flow and budgeting requirements, ensuring timely repayment and avoiding default. 

Cons of Instant Loans Against Mutual Funds 

1. Risk of Default: One of the primary risks associated with instant loans against mutual funds is the potential for default if borrowers fail to repay the loan amount within the specified tenure. Defaulting on the loan can lead to the liquidation of pledged mutual fund units, jeopardizing the borrower’s investment portfolio and financial stability. 

Solution: To mitigate the risk of default, borrowers should carefully assess their repayment capacity before availing of the loan and opt for a loan amount and repayment tenure that aligns with their financial capabilities. Additionally, maintaining a contingency fund or exploring alternative sources of income can provide a buffer against unexpected financial setbacks, reducing the likelihood of default. 

2. Limited Loan-to-Value Ratio 

Lenders often extend loans against mutual funds at a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio lower than the current market value of the investments. Consequently, borrowers may find themselves unable to borrow the entire value of their mutual funds, restricting their access to funds. 

Solution: To address this limitation, borrowers can explore higher LTV options by pledging their debt funds as collateral to secure a higher loan amount. Additionally, maintaining a diversified investment portfolio can help mitigate the impact of a restricted LTV ratio by providing access to additional sources of liquidity in times of need. 


Loans against mutual funds offer numerous advantages, providing borrowers with quick access to liquidity while retaining ownership of their investment portfolio. However, borrowers must be mindful of the associated risks, such as the potential for default and the impact on investment returns and implement proactive measures to mitigate these challenges. 

By leveraging FinEzzy’s innovative solutions and exercising prudence in loan management, individuals can unlock the full potential of their mutual fund investments and navigate their financial journey with confidence and flexibility. As with any financial decision, careful consideration and informed decision-making are crucial to maximizing the benefits of instant loans against mutual funds while safeguarding long-term financial well-being. 

Frequently asked questions

All investments have some risk. But mutual funds try to reduce risk by investing in many different things. So, if one thing doesn’t do well, the other might make up for it.

We tailor our advice and suggestions to your needs. If wealth management is your goal, our algorithms go through millions of data points to come up with suggestions that sit perfectly with your risk appetite, existing financial goals and the prevailing market conditions. If you are interested in credit, we address the need while also ensuring you do not compromise on your broader financial goals.

Most mutual funds let you take out your money when you want. But some might have rules or charges if you take it out too soon.

To start, you can talk to a bank or a financial advisor. They can guide you on how to put your money in a mutual fund.

Yes, there might be some charges. These are for managing the fund and other services. It’s good to ask about these before you invest.

No, you don’t need a lot of money. Many mutual funds allow you to start with a small amount as low as INR 500.